Articles publiées dans les revues avec comité de lecture
Année | Auteurs | Titre | Revue |
2017 | Dali Chantal, Théophile Serge Nomo | Approche territoriale de l’entrepreneuriat : Essai de conceptualisation | Revue Canadienne de Géographie Tropicale (RCGT), volume 3, numéro 2 de la RCGT, 2017 |
2017 | Laila Hima, Théophile Serge Nomo | Potential Costs and Benefits of a Mandatory Audit Committee Reporting Regulation: A cross-country comparison in Canada and other countries (p. 205-219) | Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, Volume 13, ISNN 2356-847X |
2017 | Thang Le Dinh, Manh Chien Vu, Ayi Ayayi, Serge Nomo | Managing Cocreation Projects: the Service-oriented perspective | Journal of Modern Project Management (accepté) |
2017 | Imeri, A., Khadraoui, A., Le Dinh, T., Khadraoui, D. | Personalization of Legal and Ethical Information in ICT Platforms: The Approach of Legal Decision Tree. |
Computer and Information Science. 10(7) |
2016 | Thang Le Dinh, Thanh-Thoa Pham Thi | Collaborative Business Service Modelling in Knowledge- Intensive Enterprises |
Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), IGI Global. |
2016 | Van-Thai Ho, Thang Le Dinh and Manh-Chien Vu | Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Employees Job Satisfaction in Vietnamese Local Companies |
International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR), 5(3): 938-950. |
2016 |
JA Peprah, AG Ayayi
Return to Micro‐credit on Small‐scale Businesses: A Case Study of Ghanaian MFI | Journal of International Development 28 (4), 606-622 |
2015 | Thang Le Dinh, Thai Ho Van, Théophile Serge Nomo | A Framework for Knowledge Management in Project Management Offices |
The Journal of Modern Project Management |
2015 | Le Dinh, T., Rickenberg, T., Fill, Hans-Georg, & Breitner H. M. | Enterprise Content Management Systems as a Knowledge Infrastructure: The Knowledge-Based Content Management Framework. |
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) – IGI Global. 11(3): 49-70. |
2015 | St-Pierre, J., Foleu Luc, Georges Abdulnour, Théophile Serge Nomo & Maurice Fouda | SME Developpement Challenges in Cameroun: An Ecosystem Perspective | Transnational Corporations Review, 7 (4), 441 – 462 |
2014 | Raymond L., J. St-Pierre, S. Uwizeyemungu, T. Le Dinh. | The internationalization capabilities of industrial service SMEs: An exploratory comparative study |
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Springer |
2014 |
AG Ayayi
Downscaling and upscaling lending for inclusive microcredit | International Journal of Economic Perspectives 8 (1), 5 |
2013 | Pham Thi, T.T, Markus Helfert, and T. Le Dinh | Modelling collaborative business services | International Journal of Services Sciences, 5(1) |
2013 | Le Dinh T., L. Rinfret, L. Raymond, B.T. Dong Thi. | Towards the reconciliation of knowledge management and e-collaboration systems |
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Emerald. 10(2): 95-115. |
2012 | Le Dinh, T. and T.T. Pham Thi. | Information-driven Framework for Collaborative Business Service Modelling |
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET). 3(1): 1-18 |
2012 | AG Ayayi | Credit risk assessment in the microfinance industry | Economics of Transition 20 (1), 37-72 |
2012 | AG Ayayi, N Yusupov | A methodology for the assessment of potential demand and optimal supply of entrepreneurial microcredit | Review of Development Finance 2 (2), 84-92 |
2012 | AG Ayayi | Micro‐credit and Micro‐equity: The David and the Goliath of Micro‐enterprise Financing | Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 31 (2), 244-254 |
2012 |
AG Ayayi
Microfinance: a time to deliberate | Asian Economic and Financial Review 2 (3), 445 |
2011 | Nomo, Théophile Serge. S | Le suivi des investissements par les sociétés de capital de risque : proposition d’un cadre méthodologique., | Revue Internationale PME, Volume 24, Numéro 3–4, 2011, pp. 199–230 |
2011 | St-Pierre, J., Nomo, T. S., Pilaeva, K | The non-financial contribution of venture capitalists to VC-backed SMEs: The case of traditional sectors | Venture capital, 13(2), 103-118 |
2011 | St-Pierre, J., Pilaeva, K., Nomo, Théophile Serge. S | Influence de la propension au risque des décideurs sur leurs décisions de gestion | Picolla Impressa Small Business |
2010 | Nomo, Théophile Serge. S | Le suivi des investissements par les sociétés de capital de risque : une approche rationnelle et sociopolitique | Revue organisations et territoires, 19(1), 15-23 |
2010 | AG Ayayi, M Sene | What drives microfinance institution’s financial sustainability | The Journal of Developing Areas 44 (1), 303-324 |
2010 | C Noël, AG Ayayi, V Blum | The European Union’s accounting policy analyzed from an ethical perspective: The case of petroleum resources, prospecting and evaluation | Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21 (4), 329-341 |