Articles publiées dans les revues avec comité de lecture

Année Auteurs Titre Revue
2017 Dali Chantal, Théophile Serge Nomo Approche territoriale de l’entrepreneuriat : Essai de conceptualisation Revue Canadienne de Géographie Tropicale (RCGT), volume 3, numéro 2 de la RCGT, 2017
2017 Laila Hima, Théophile Serge Nomo Potential Costs and Benefits of a Mandatory Audit Committee Reporting Regulation: A cross-country comparison in Canada and other countries (p. 205-219) Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, Volume 13, ISNN 2356-847X
2017 Thang Le Dinh, Manh Chien Vu, Ayi Ayayi, Serge Nomo Managing Cocreation Projects: the Service-oriented perspective Journal of Modern Project Management (accepté)
2017 Imeri, A., Khadraoui, A., Le Dinh, T., Khadraoui, D. Personalization of Legal and
Ethical Information in ICT Platforms: The Approach of Legal Decision Tree.
Computer and Information Science. 10(7)
2016 Thang Le Dinh, Thanh-Thoa Pham Thi Collaborative Business Service Modelling in Knowledge-
Intensive Enterprises
Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), IGI Global.
2016 Van-Thai Ho, Thang Le Dinh and Manh-Chien Vu Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Employees Job Satisfaction
in Vietnamese Local Companies
International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR), 5(3): 938-950.
JA Peprah, AG Ayayi
Return to Micro‐credit on Small‐scale Businesses: A Case Study of Ghanaian MFI Journal of International Development 28 (4), 606-622
2015 Thang Le Dinh, Thai Ho Van, Théophile Serge Nomo A Framework for
Knowledge Management in Project Management Offices
The Journal of Modern Project Management
2015 Le Dinh, T., Rickenberg, T., Fill, Hans-Georg, & Breitner H. M. Enterprise Content Management
Systems as a Knowledge Infrastructure: The Knowledge-Based Content Management Framework.
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) – IGI Global. 11(3): 49-70.
2015 St-Pierre, J., Foleu Luc, Georges Abdulnour, Théophile Serge Nomo & Maurice Fouda  SME Developpement Challenges in Cameroun: An Ecosystem Perspective Transnational Corporations Review, 7 (4), 441 – 462
2014 Raymond L., J. St-Pierre, S. Uwizeyemungu, T. Le Dinh. The internationalization capabilities of
industrial service SMEs: An exploratory comparative study
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Springer
AG Ayayi
Downscaling and upscaling lending for inclusive microcredit International Journal of Economic Perspectives 8 (1), 5
2013 Pham Thi, T.T, Markus Helfert, and T. Le Dinh  Modelling collaborative business services International Journal of Services Sciences, 5(1)
2013 Le Dinh T., L. Rinfret, L. Raymond, B.T. Dong Thi. Towards the reconciliation of knowledge
management and e-collaboration systems
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Emerald. 10(2):
2012 Le Dinh, T. and T.T. Pham Thi. Information-driven Framework for Collaborative Business
Service Modelling
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
(IJSSMET). 3(1): 1-18
2012 AG Ayayi Credit risk assessment in the microfinance industry Economics of Transition 20 (1), 37-72
2012 AG Ayayi, N Yusupov A methodology for the assessment of potential demand and optimal supply of entrepreneurial microcredit Review of Development Finance 2 (2), 84-92
2012 AG Ayayi Micro‐credit and Micro‐equity: The David and the Goliath of Micro‐enterprise Financing Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 31 (2), 244-254
AG Ayayi
Microfinance: a time to deliberate Asian Economic and Financial Review 2 (3), 445
2011 Nomo, Théophile Serge. S  Le suivi des investissements par les sociétés de capital de risque : proposition d’un cadre méthodologique., Revue Internationale PME, Volume 24, Numéro 3–4, 2011, pp. 199–230
2011 St-Pierre, J., Nomo, T. S., Pilaeva, K The non-financial contribution of venture capitalists to VC-backed SMEs: The case of traditional sectors Venture capital, 13(2), 103-118
2011 St-Pierre, J., Pilaeva, K., Nomo, Théophile Serge. S   Influence de la propension au risque des décideurs sur leurs décisions de gestion Picolla Impressa Small Business
2010 Nomo, Théophile Serge. S Le suivi des investissements par les sociétés de capital de risque : une approche rationnelle et sociopolitique Revue organisations et territoires, 19(1), 15-23
 2010 AG Ayayi, M Sene  What drives microfinance institution’s financial sustainability  The Journal of Developing Areas 44 (1), 303-324
 2010 C Noël, AG Ayayi, V Blum  The European Union’s accounting policy analyzed from an ethical perspective: The case of petroleum resources, prospecting and evaluation  Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21 (4), 329-341

>>> articles avant l’an 2010