Articles publiées dans les revues avec comité de lecture
Année | Auteurs | Titre | Revue |
2009 | A Ayayi | Microfinance: Debt or equity? What are the implications for profitability and social welfare | Global Economic and Finance Journal 2 (2), 64-80 |
2008 |
Le Dinh, T., et G. Fillion.
Acquiring Domain Knowledge of Information Systems: The Information System Upon Information Systems Approach | Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ) |
2008 |
Fillion G., et T. Le Dinh,
An Extended Model of Adoption of Technology in Households: A Model Test on People Using A Mobile Phone ? | Management Review: An International Journal Volume 3 Number 1, Summer 2008 |
2005 |
A Ayayi
The 180-day lock-up period and insiders’ equity selling | Journal of Economics and Finance 29 (1), 32-45 |
2004 | A Ayayi | Public Policy and Venture Capital: The Canadian Labor‐Sponsored Venture Capital Funds | Journal of Small Business Management 42 (3), 335-345 |
2001 |
A Ayayi
Les particularités du marché du capital de risque | Gestion 26 (4), 23-332001 |